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BioCarbon Partners Receives Approval for a Large Scale Grouped Carbon Project in Mozambique

Leading REDD+ Project Developer Scales up Conservation Beyond Borders.

We are crossing borders and taking our technical expertise, impact successes, and knowledge throughout southern Africa with our latest REDD+ project; The Greater Limpopo REDD+ Project (GLRP), developed in partnership with Eni and Peace Parks Foundation. This month the BCP initiative received the necessary license from the Government of Mozambique to develop a large-scale carbon project to be developed over 4 provinces: Manica, Sofala, Gaza, and Inhambane. The first developer to receive approval in line with the country’s REDD+ decree, BCP and its partners are eager to make a start on this exciting transnational leap for community conservation.

This is part of BCP’s strategic plan to support transfrontier conservation by protecting high-value biodiversity areas of over 10 million hectares by 2024. In line with this initiative, the developer is currently assessing its 5th large-scale project within the Cubango region of Angola.

The primary aim of the project, which will include a blend of state, private, and community land, is to link National Parks, Coutadas, private game farms, and cattle ranches with communal forest areas to facilitate biodiversity adaptation to climate change through the establishment of corridors under its mission of making conservation of wildlife habitat valuable to people. The project is designed to deliver the same life-changing impacts to community, and benefits to climate change and biodiversity that have so successfully been delivered in Zambia. Aligned with country policy, and a participatory approach, the project aims to deliver high-value and high-integrity carbon offsets.

The GLRP project will be implemented in 12 districts under 4 provinces in Central and Southern Mozambique across approximately 4 million hectares.

BCP’s CEO, Nic Mudaly shares,

“Our initial endeavors in Zambia, namely the Lower Zambezi REDD+ Project and the Luangwa Community Forests Projects, have endured the prevailing challenges within the voluntary carbon markets. Through the concerted efforts of our dedicated team, affectionately known as ‘BCP people,’ and the unwavering support from local stakeholders and committed off-takers, we have effectively showcased the efficacy of REDD+ in mobilizing essential climate finance to create significant impact at scale. 

“We extend our gratitude to the Mozambique Government for entrusting us with this opportunity and joining us on this pivotal journey to combat climate change, ensuring equitable and tangible benefits underpinned by integrity. We commend the Mozambique Government for fostering a collaborative and conducive environment to achieving both national and global climate objectives.”

The project is expected to benefit over 320,000 people local community members through job creation, income generation, and direct revenues from carbon in addition to increased food security and livelihoods.

“Verra is excited for the approval of the Greater Limpopo REDD+ Project in Mozambique,” said Heather McEwan, Verra’s Regional Representative, in Africa and the Middle East. “We are thrilled that BCP will utilize VM0048, Verra’s transformative new methodology for protecting and preserving forests in Africa and across the globe. BCP’s decision demonstrates its commitment to innovative, transparent, high-quality forest conservation in Mozambique. We are deeply grateful for its leadership and vision, which sets a powerful example for other project developers to follow. Together, we are making significant strides toward a healthier planet for future generations.”

About Eni

Eni has been present in Mozambique since 2006 with a wide range of activities spanning from hydrocarbons production through the Coral South project to initiatives to boost the country’s energy transition; among these, the clean cooking program, which promotes the use of more energy efficient cooking solutions, and the agri-feedstock project that is integrating Mozambique into the biofuel value chain. The company also contributes to improving the country’s economic diversification, and access to education and health.


Nic Mudaly

BCP Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of BCPZ


Chloé Evans

Communications Manager

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