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Climate Action

The Luangwa Community Forests Project Awareness Hour

During the rainy season, many of our community partners here in Eastern Province are cut off from trading points and towns for months at a time due to poor road networks that become impassable when the rains hit. So how do we reach our community partners?

Through the airwaves!

Kudos to Angela and Paul this week for running the awareness through the airwaves – it’s not easy speaking live on air but they aced it as always!

This year our Engagement team launched the Luangwa Community Forests Project Awareness Hour through Mnkhanya Community Radio Program. With a reach of 23,000 people, this segment allows the teams to reach 5 of our partnering Chiefdoms (and beyond) each week.

Every week the team discusses a different topic in relation to how the REDD+ benefit-sharing mechanism works, and focuses on different themes that cut across the different impacts The Luangwa Community Forests Project is delivering, from climate change, and conservation efforts to community benefits. The last 20 minutes of the segment are dedicated for listeners to call or text in to the show.

Not only does this allow the team to engage with the callers and answer any questions directly, but it helps us to determine where the knowledge gaps are so we can continue to evolve and improve upon our community engagement.

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