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Voting for the Environmental Finance's Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings 2022 is now open - Help Us Bring The Gold Home To Zambia Again In 2022!

Voting for the Environmental Finance’s Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings 2022 is now open!

We need your help again this year to bring the gold back home to Zambia as the leading REDD+ and climate positive nation in Africa. We are asking for just 5 minutes of your time (that’s right – we timed it) to vote for us in the Annual Environmental Finance’s Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings. After the amazing support we received last year, this year we are going all out and aiming for as many awards as we can get!

Awards we need your help to win in 2022:

BCP- BioCarbon Partners for:

  • Best Project Developer – Forestry and Land-Use
  • Best Project Developer – Overall
  • Best Monitoring Report.

LCFP – Luangwa Community Forests Project for:

  • Best Individual Offsetting Project. 

To help us bring the Gold back home to Zambia again in 2022 as the leading REDD+ Nation in Africa, here’s your step-by-step guide to voting for BCP in 2022:

A step-by-step guide to vote

  1. Go to – https://www.environmental-finance.com/content/awards/voluntary-carbon-market-rankings-2022/
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where it reads Submit Your Entry. Click on that link;
  3. You will be taken to a survey monkey link – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/VCMR2022
  4. You will be taken to a page where you need to register your contact information, after this click next;
  5.  This takes you to a page that gives you a list of category award options:

Please vote for BCP- BioCarbon Partners for:

  • Best Project Developer – Forestry and Land Use
  • Best Project Developer Overall
  • Best Monitoring Report.
  1. Click Next and it will take you to a page that has more voting options:

Under 3. Best Individual Offsetting Project vote for:

Luangwa Community Forests Project (BCP).

Under explanation, here are some reasons why we think you should vote for the LCFP in 2022:

The LCFP is the largest REDD+ Project by hectares in Africa and (arguably) the largest by social impact in the world (with 217,000 beneficiaries across 36,000 households). The project has been successfully verified three times through the Verified Carbon Standard and has achieved CCB Triple Gold Validation for exceptional community impact. An independent report of the LCFP found that since the project started in 2017 there has been a 171% increase in household income over the past 5 years, not to mention it protects one of the largest biodiversity corridors spanning over 1.2 million hectares. The project benefits over 217,000 people in Zambia’s Eastern to Lusaka provinces through income generation and social services development. The LCFP works to address key drivers of deforestation while also benefitting local communities by reducing poverty, creating sustainable incomes, improving social services, and encouraging conservation. In 2022 the LCFP was chosen by the World Economic Forum as one of the 6 NCS Lighthouse Alliances due to its powerful community, climate, and conservation impacts.

The LCFP is bringing life-changing impacts and benefits to over 217,000 people in some of the most impoverished regions of the World under the UN’s REDD+ benefit-sharing model. Some examples of the Projects impacts to date are:

  • The LCFP has implemented 209 Community impact projects since its inception.
  • $8,900,460 Has been distributed to the 12 Chiefdoms in the LCFP since 2017.
  • The LCFP supports 272 BCP and partner-supported Community Scouts.
  • The LCFP supports 345 Lead Farmers and 3,520 Follower Farmers.
  • $381,793 was Paid to LCFP in Livelihood Investments in 2021.
  • 2,000 Indirect jobs created through community investment projects since its inception.
  • 171% Kwacha increase in annual household income since inception.

When it comes to climate change, Africa is so often the ‘forgotten continent’, for it receives less than 3% of global climate finance, however, 30 out of the 40 most climate-vulnerable countries in the world are in Africa. The increased temperatures and a greater likelihood of extreme weather events resulting from climate change are projected to increase the threat of drought and increased water scarcity in Africa. Only impacting further, and increasing the fragility of food security for parts of the continent that already faces barriers when it comes to accessing food and water. The continent has around 17% of the world’s population but produces less than 4% of global emissions (roughly 600 million people on the continent still don’t have electricity), and yet, extreme weather events are growing in both frequency and severity with an alarming impact on biodiversity loss, making it so important to put African projects, such as ours on the map. Globally, it is estimated that 23% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture, forestry, and other land use. An estimated 60% of Zambia’s population depends on subsistence farming for their livelihoods, while globally, subsistence farming accounts for 48% of the world’s deforestation! African countries need more control, greater impact, and superior resources in the global fight against climate change. It is the mission of the LCFP under BCP to work with Government, communities, and partner organizations to continue to put African countries at the forefront of climate change action globally, by helping to build resilience through REDD+ projects in Africa.

Thank you so much for your continued support of BCP.

Together we are making conservation of wildlife habitat valuable to people.

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