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Greater Limpopo REDD+ Project

The Greater Limpopo REDD+ Project (GLRP) is a partnership between the Government of Mozambique, BioCarbon Partners (BCP), Peace Parks Foundation (PPF) and Eni. It is a large scale grouped project aimed at linking National Parks, Coutadas, private game reserves/farms and cattle ranches with communal forest areas to facilitate biodiversity adaptation to climate change through the establishment of corridors (project areas) that are conserved and restored by stakeholders, tenure holders and communities with land use rights over their areas.


What does GLRP look like? The GLRP project will be implemented in 12 districts under 4 provinces in Central and Southern Mozambique.


A total project area of approximately 2.9 million ha is expected to be included in the project in the first instance, and approximately 1.1 million ha in future instances.

The project will be implemented in close collaboration with central government and private sector stakeholders and is expected to benefit over 318,940 local community members through job creation, income generation, and direct revenues from carbon in addition to increased food security and livelihoods.

The preliminary estimated GHG emission reductions for the 30-year project span is 31,966,125tCO2e at an annual average of 1,065,537 tCO2e/yr.
