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BCP Kicks Off Climate-Smart Agriculture Field Days

Kicking off the first of our Field Days to be held across all of our projects in Eastern and Lusaka Provinces, BCP hosted our first Farmer Field Day of 2023 in Chitungulu Chiefdom of Lumezi District this month.

As part of our ambitious plans to scale food security, and build resilience at a household level through our farmer-to-farmer extension model, Field Days are a key part of this.

And nothing gets our all-star Livelihoods team more excited than Field Days.

A chance to learn, knowledge-share, and of course – an opportunity to show off those yields!

Adaptation and mitigation are crucial to defending ourselves from the destruction that climate change is inflicting on our planet. BCP, together with the Department of Agriculture is dedicated to our Climate-Smart Agriculture initiative, as a sure SMART way to adapt to the adverse effect of climate change.

Climate change’s negative impacts are already so severely felt, in the form of increasing temperatures, weather variability, shifting agroecosystem boundaries, invasive crops and pests, and more frequent extreme weather events. So often the hardest hit are the smallholder and subsistence farmers, whose survival hinges on the health of their crops.

Climate-Smart Agriculture in comparison to more traditionally used farming practices guarantees sustainable income and nutritional value to the smallholder farmer. It mitigates deforestation from land clearing for agriculture, enhances productivity, and builds Household resilience.

Our Field Days are used to stimulate opportunities and synergies available in the conservation agriculture extension structures between Follower Farmers and input suppliers and help identify the potential participants for job creation as:

In-community Agents; Tillage Service Providers (TSP); Crop Aggregators (CA); and Buyers of Commodities.

Climate-Smart Agriculture is an integrated approach to managing landscapes—cropland, livestock, forests, and fisheries—that address the interlinked challenges of food security and accelerating climate change.


Shadreck Ngoma

Agriculture Development Coordinator

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